Thursday, June 29, 2006

Was Is at Warper Party last night

Was Is perfomed their charming blend of noise-improv last night at the Warper Party... a monthly event held at the Botanica Bar in Manhattan bringing together DJs, laptopist, improvisers and other rabble-rousers for a full night of mayhem and madness. Despite some disorganization (we were supposed to go on at 11:45pm and didn't take the stage until 1:15am) there was still a nice crowd there and the gig was fun. Our next hit will be in Astoria on July 5th. Visit the Was Is myspace page for more details.

Sextet at Tillie's of Brooklyn

The Sextet performed at Tillie's of Brooklyn's elastiCity new music festival this past Saturday. elastiCity is the only ongoing new music festival featuring composers and performers living in Brooklyn and is curated by the ever-resourceful Lily Maase. The gig went well and somebody named Stacy wanted our contact info for some documentary films she's making. Stacy if your out there... holla!